Brother remains confident in local market, expect to have growth rate 5% for the fiscal year 2019

Brother remains confident in local market,
expect to have growth rate 5% for the fiscal year 2019
*Use 3C strategy to drive growth.
*Working closer with business partners by focusing more on corporate business segment.
*Offering special after sale service to gain more turnover.
For the year 2020, Brother is ready to create a new business dimension in Thailand’s IT industry by partnering with a famous brand to launch the new marketing campaigns which will help us to win more customers and advance into a new market niche. This year, we will highlight our corporate philosophy "At your side." by working closer with our “Channel Partner” - our distribution channel who are not only as the Sales Representative Agent but also help handling as the After Sales Service across the country.
Under the “At Your Side” philosophy, our Consultant Teams will provide a training and helping our Channel Partner to be more confident in serving the Customers in order to help expanding also their business opportunities. In this year, Brother is going to roll out a lot of new products; Printer, Sewing Machines, BMB Karaoke System, Label Printer, Scanner, GTX Digital Garment Printing and the new Solutions for consumers in every Market Segment. Despite the tepid economy, Brother is still optimistic and expect to have growth rate target at 5% for this fiscal year. We are confident on capability of the Thai Private Sector that could adjust themselves and thrive in every economic condition.
Mr. Teerawut Supapanpinyo, Managing Director of Brother Commercial (Thailand) Limited pledges that the Company will gain more Market Share this year by adjusting some business strategies to reflect the Brother’s DNA via having products variety, going along well with the current lifestyle and creating a new experience and solutions for the consumers continuously.
Brother has developed the 3 Pillars of the Business Strategies; Business Transform, Operational Transform, and Talent Transform, and together with the “3C” Strategy which is focusing on the Customers, the Channel Partner up to the Company, so in the Year 2020 we still expect to grow by 5%.
“Brother remains steadfast to stick with our three-year strategy for our 2019-2021’s fiscal year but adding on the “3C” Strategy which is started from 1. Customer– by offering the new Products to full fill the Customer’ needs, the 2. Channel Partner– by offering the new Working Concept “Brother – the Power of TEAM”, to act as a Consultant for the Business Partners by supporting in the term of both Products and Service to enhance trust on the brand, and 3. Company– by bringing in the “Agile Culture” to improve efficiency, flexibility and speed in working process in to the organization.
"Currently, 60% of our Customers are SMEs and Corporate Clients. In the term of Products, our Laser Printer has remained the Flagship. 3 Brother Laser Printers hold the largest Market Shares. Our Mono-Laser Printers occupy 38% of total Market Share, Mono Laser Multi-function Printers gain 56% market share while our Color Laser Multi-function Printers hold 33% Market Share. Brother Ink Jet Printers are still on Top-Three with 17% Market Share. Brother Products have achieved annual growth and gained more Market Share every year with the support by our 'Push & Pull' Strategy. This year, we are confident that our attractive marketing campaigns will help differentiate our products from the competitors. Furthermore, our special After Sales Service be offered will bring more confidence on the Brand from the Customers at the end” Mr. Teerawut says.
Mr. Worasak Praditkul, General Manager of Customer Service of Brother Commercial (Thailand) Limited stresses that Brother's much praised after-sales service will become new products of the company that can help bringing in revenue to the company.
Brother's After Sales Service has been positively perceived by the Customers. Customer Service of Brother are known for their knowledgeable and attentiveness staffs and good system that provide impressive after-sale services to customers. Brohter's Customer Service has become major asset of the company. Thus, in this 2020 fiscal year, Brother will launch after-sales products that will enable customers to buy or even extend product warranty period. Customer Service will introduce new digital innovation such as chatbot to make our after-sales service 24 hours 7 days a week. The company is going to unveil new digital platform application so called "Brother Support Center" to provide product inventory, details as well as manuals for our customers can obtain more information on our products and after-sales services and Customer Service centers.
The company is going to launch "Brother Live Chat" to provide easy access communication channel for our customers. In this live chat, customers can send either picture and video clips. For customer service centers, there are Brother's customer service centers in every of 77 provinces in Thailand. Indeed, the company just opened a new customer service in Vientiane, Lao PDR and in near two centers --one in Luang Prabang and other in Savannakhet, will be opened. To make sure after-sale staffs can well assist our customers, the company will use e-learning to have them well trained and constantly improved.
"We also send our after-sale staffs to teach students on technology. We already launched training workshops at our service centers in every region. For central region, we open courses in Prachin Buri province, Nakhon Nayok province and for northern region in Sukhothai province, Surin province in northeastern region as well as Surat Thani for the southern region. For this year, we will open our projects in Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and Khon Kaen provinces. We are going to introduce the Mindset Development course that to prepare these students to have positive attitudes before going into work life," says Mr. Worrasak.
Mr. Pornpuck Upaisilsataporn, General Manager of Finance and Administration of Brother Commercial (Thailand) Limited reveals that due mainly to the Digital Disruption which the technology has been changed rapidly, so the company has focused more on the "Talent Transform" strategy in order to help developing the employees whom the company see that they are as the valuable assets of the company to go along well with the change. We have set up some development programs to enhance both ‘Good Attitude and Knowledge’ to the employees with more flexibility training programs; both In-class & Online and; furthermore, with their own designed programs. We will also enhance the multi-task skill sets to the employees by offering the cross functional rotation programs as well which by doing all these we believe that it could help supporting the sustainability to both the employees and the company at the end.
Concerning the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR Activities, there are 2 major activities to support Brother Group’s Business Directions which are…1. Local Community – which the major activity is “Brother Beat Cancer Run”. We have set this activity the latest one is the 7th and one of the major objectives is to collect the Fund and donate the fund received to support the disadvantaged cancer patients which we do it via Ramathibodi Foundation – the adult hematologic malignancy fund, Ramathibodi Hospital for the past 6 Years. 2. Environment – which the major activity is “Mangrove Reforestation”. We have set this activity the latest one is the 11th. We committed that we will remain this 2 major activities especially on their objectives set; however, their formats might be adjusted and improved from time to time. Furthermore, we also have some more CSR Activities, such as, to support as an educational fund to a poor school, to set-up an academic cooperation program & offer to the colleges-university located in up-country areas, etc. says Mr. Pornpuck
For more information for Brother Commercial (Thailand) Limited
Brother Contact Center ☎ 0-2665-7777